Thursday, June 6, 2013

About Tanjung Bira (Bira Cape)

Flying free.. Well I've been done that oftenly. But only for business trip purpose only and only one night stay which accommodate by office.
So as a mediocre employee who craving for a holiday ;p whenever there is a big promo from any airlines I try not to missed it. Hehehhe
Last year at December or November (I forget) Air Asia had a big promo for flight to Makassar from Jakarta. I got the tickets return only IDR 20,000 or equals to USD 2 !! No idea what to do in Makassar since I've been there for a couple times but just only at the city.
Then friend of mine told me that I can visit Tanjung Bira at South Sulawesi. Well I am the beach person and  than I was thought that idea was brilliant. 

Been searching about Tanjung Bira and everything but the information still not satisfy me. And also this trip I was all alone. Already ask some friends for joined but none could say yes.
Hffftt. Was doubt about this, whether will going or not going. Then I post my plan looking for a friend to share cost and info at Tanjung Bira at .
Almost hopeless because after a week none reply my post. And then near the date before leaving some people replied my post and surprisingly they were invited me to join they group. More surprise some of them were at the same flight with me !! Aaaakkk I became super excite :D
But I only joined with them when we went to Liukang Island. Since their car was fully loaded and no more room for me :)

So my flight was 6am from Jakarta and arrived Makassar at 10am (local time) it was 2.5 hours flight. From airport I took taxi to Malengkeri Bus Terminal. At there there are some of people will offer you and ask you where to go. Might will scary you because they were very hyper to ask this :p. Just answer you want to go to Bira they will arrange car for you. Because the main destination is Bulukumba and not all the cars(usually Kijang, Avanza or Panther) went to Bira. Ensure to the driver that you will stop at Bira or you can mention where you stay at Bira.
It took 4-5 hours to Bira from Malengkeri and dont be surprise along the way to Bira the driver will pick some passengers until inside the car will feel reaallly reallyy hectic. :)))
Usually after about 2 hours drive the car will stop for eat or rest. You can try the local food, usually the menu was Ikan Bakar + Sop (Fish bbq + soup) and it's totally cheap.
If you unfortunately got the car but only stop at Bulukumba you can continue to Bira by Pete-pete (angkot).
But this pete-pete only available until noon. So arrange your time to reach Bira before dark.

I arrived at Bira around 6:30 pm. The driver drop me at Salassa Guest House. This place was recommended   if you a budget traveller like me :p. I stayed 3 nights at this place and whether you stay or not at this place, you should try the food. The foods totally the best food you can get at Bira. I guarantee you. The taste deliciousto and oh soo omnom yummy :9

photo is from here

So at the second day, I finally met the friends and will go to Liukang beach for snorkel!! wohooo... Let me tell you. The corals near Liukang island is really really healthy. Was underestimate about the coral but after I saw that. Whooaa... regret in my self couldn't dive deeper. Urghh.
There was also a diving spot near Bira at Kambing Island. Kambing in english means goat. So yeah in this island the 'people' is goats. The owner of this island use the island for goat breed. And once a year he brought some goats to sell to the people at the city or surrounding. The actual name of this island was Bentang Island. But people were famous with Kambing Island.
Back to the diving, there are some spots of diving at Kambing island, like shark point, manta point and fish market. 
There also dive operator in Bira. The famous one is Bira Divers.

 You can try to stay at Liukang island it was more quite and you might feel like Tom Hanks in Cast Away :p
Because only few people stay in this island. 
And this is the view of Liukang Corals. The visibility was nice. But since the current was quite high not many fishes show up. But still it was very nice to see the beautiful corals everywhere. Very colorful! Wish I could go dive freely. :(
This underwatere picture was taken by our tour guide.
The Liukang island was 15 minutes away from Bira beach. You can rent boat for 200k-300k from Bira beach to Liukang Loe and back again to Bira (usually already include the snorkel gears).

And also you can see the Phinisi boat maker. The famous one was Tanaberu. But near Bira there also the Phinisi maker. Near the harbour. Yap.. Makassar was famous with the Phinisi. The ship order come from around the round.

I really-really enjoy this holiday. I met new friends and had fun together. And the beach... oh my god.. it's really-really stunning beach I ever saw!!

Well so here's the trip cost (everything in IDR):
Flight tickets (return)                                    : 90,000
Taxi to Malangkeri (return)                          :200,000
Angkot to Bira from Malangkeri and return  :100,000
Salassa Guest House (@90,000 x 3 nights) : 270,000
Fins rent for snorkel                                    :   30,000
Bike rent (sharing)                                      :   30,000
                        Total expense for 3 nights   : 720,000

Exclude foods and snacking :p

Pretty cheap to enjoy the beautiness of east Indonesia right?


So... what beach I'll visit next??

Stay tuned on my blog. Hehehehh

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Burn Baby Burn

I even don't know where this passion come from. Looking to my parents and my other family none of them are sportcholic. While me and my brother are recently active in sport that we love. My brother love playing futsal. He got the scholarship at his University because his team often win some competition and also he was the Chief of the Futsal Club at his Uni. *proud*

While me addicted to my favorite sport, which is Field Hockey. Well Am not really good enough actually at this sport but I love the feeling when I run and get the ball and the pass the ball to my team mate. The sense of team work, I think that's why I love it. But after become a worker and only having one day sport a week I feel that's not enough. So I decided to join a fitness club.

At first I joined at the 'Blue' Fitness Club at Senayan City, Jakarta but only joined for a year. Actually the fitness club was  fine and there is a swimming pool on it with nice view.
But feel bore and I saw other fitness club offer a lot of class of aerobic or yoga or rpm. Then I decided to move to the "Purple' Fitness Club.

At this fitness club I try some classes which barely new for me. Like example the floating yoga. Wondering how it feels and how it works so I decided to try. First time to try I felt like "Oh MY GOD am soo nausea' do the yoga move inside the hammock and turn down your head to the ground and your feet up. This really 
make me dizzy. As I have low blood pleasure turning up from this position really made me vertigo. But at the second attempt at this class I can do some trick to ignore the dizziness when do the floating. Just close your eyes and breath to enjoy the yoga :p. The very difficult position is the superman position. I almost made it but can't completely like this below picture.
Need working your muscle at your hands to do the superman pose. And this was my challenge right now :p
Then other my favorite class is TRX class.. Oh man am really addicted to this class. Just joined this class for 4 times my biceps already show up. Aw yeah... I love my biceps now :)))

This workout really make you super sweat and also super tired. But this is actually fun workout. Enjoy the burn sensation at my muscles. Event the instructor said that TRX is the best invention in fitness industry. Hahahhah
You should try these workout. Floating yoga actually really good as a therapy for your low blood pressure. While TRX is good for your fat burner. 
Burn burn burn baby ;)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Hobi Iseng-Iseng

Mungkin ini sudah jadi kebiasaan saya yang dimulai dari dunia kuliah. Begitu lepas dari seragam putih abu-abu saya iseng-iseng mencoba semua kegiatan yang sering saya liat di tivi atau internet. Ketika sedang Campus Visit ke UI ada pameran semua kegiatan-kegiatan atau himpunan-himpunan yang ada di UI. Ada buanyaak banget. Mulai dari Marching Band, Capoeira, Tari Minang, Softbal, Sastra Jawa dan lain-lain. Sampai-sampai saya niat kalau walaupun nanti ga keterima di UI saya harus coba semua kegiatan yang baru-baru itu. 

Walhasil saya keterima SPMB di UNPAD. Di hari pertama ospek ada parade UKM (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa) semua UKM yang ada di Unpad, pawai keliling kampus yang di DU (kalau sekarang kayaknya udah pindah ke Jatinangor untuk pameran UKM ini). Nah selama pawai ini saya menanti-nanti pawainya dari tim Hockey. Sampai saya keliling kampus DU saya sama sekali gak nemu UKM nya. Malahan sampe kosan temen saya yang tau saya mau ikutan Hockey malah ngasih brosurnya ke saya. Hahaha emang dasar jodoh kali yah. 
Sekalinya iseng coba dateng latian ketagihan buat nyoba lagi. Soalnya ga perlu bayar apa-apa cuman modal bawa sepatu lari sama bawa minum. Stick dan bola udah disediain oleh mereka. Dan singkat cerita saya sudah 8 tahun bermain olahraga ini. 

Karena sudah merasa agak sedikit bosan dengan olahraga ini dan merasa sudah lama tidak mencoba hal-hal yang baru akhirnya di tahun 2013 ini saya mencoba beberapa kegiatan yang mungkin sering kita dengar dan lihat tapi belum pernah dicoba.

Bulan Maret kemarin saya dapat info mengenai Underwater Hockey disalah satu grup facebook. Mereka tiap bulan buka kelas untuk pengenalan Underwater Hockey.  Clubnya sendiri belum lama kebentuk, sekitar tahun 2010/2011 club Jakarta Underwater ini eksis. Anggotanya sih menurut pengamatan saya kebanyakan orang-orang yang udah jago-jago diving dan berenang. Apalagi pas begitu tau kalau mainnya di kolam renang 3 meter sempet bikin saya jiper sejipernya. Tapi berhubung saya punya prinsip "You Never Know Until You Try" yah berani-beraniin aja. 

Pertama dateng berdua dengan Sasa, blah-bloh di kolam renang Krida Loka. Bingung dan celingak-celinguk karena ga tau mesti ketemu siapa dan ngumpul dimana. Hehehhe. Akhirnya gak lama kemudian para anggota Jakarta UWH bermunculan. Setelah pilih-pilih fin dan snorkel baru lah disuruh stretching dan pengenalan umun mengenai olahraga ini. More simple from Field Hockey because the stick is smaller and you dont need to bring hockey shoes or running shoes. Unless you already owned your comfortable fin.

Pertama kali latian saya pake fin yang kebesaran dan akhirnya pakai fin keeper. Pas saya bawa berenang jari-jari saya sering nyangkut di lubang depan (finnya yang close heel) dan malah pas akhir-akhir berenang kaki saya kram karena keberatan dengan finnya. Hrrrr

Kesan latihan pertama, seruuuu karena saya baru tau kalau kita berenang pake fins kita bakal bisa ngambang. Hahaaha. Saya yang ga bisa berenang ngambang agak-agak parno pas dikasih tau kalau tempat latian itu dalemnya 1.8 meter. Makanya kalau latian ngincer deket-deket tembok kalau-kalau saya keabisan napas tengah jalan. :)))))
So far seru sih dan penasaran banget pengen bisa. Banyak trik-trik diving yang didapet disini dan FREE! *Tapi kalau ikut kelas latiannya bayar doong.
Belajar gimana caranya snorkel clearing, duck dive, frog dive, curling, bawa puck dan latihan endurance yang baru 2 kali bolak balik jarak pendek kolam udah bikin ngos-ngosan.
Saya cuman nyoba 3 kali latihan. Pengen diterusin tapi lagi sibuk-sibukya *cailahhh *padahal emang males :p

Korban-korban ajakan saya.

Dan pengalaman baru lainnya. Karena ini merupakan salah satu resolusi saya di 2013 yakni Belajar DIVING!. Apalagi kemaren sempet ngunjungin pameran Deep and Extreme ngeliat fin yang keren-keren dan segala perintilan buat diving disana dan harga-harganya yang juga *uhk* keren.

Dan sempet takjub dengan kelakuan orang yang bisa free diving. Bisa berenanf dengan satu tarikan napas dengan puluhan meter. Yup! One Breath and you go down and deeper!!
Temen gw yang orang Ambon aja yang mengclaim dirinya adalah Lumba-lumba aja cuman sampe 10 meteran dengan satu tarikan napas. Hahahah (semoga orangnya ga baca blog gw :p)

So yesterday, me and Sean tried the Scuba Class which held by Global Dive. Dapet info dari twitternya @divemag_indo dan sekali lagi berawal dari iseng-iseng nanya dan hayu hayu. Jadilah saya ikutan Try Scuba Class ini.  Sekitar ada 5 orang siang itu yang ikutan kelas ini. Dengan waktu kelas setengah jam lebih untuk teori dan setengah jam untuk praktek di kolam. Dan lagi-lagi latiannya di Kolam Renang Krida Loka Senayan. Di kelas teori diajarkan mengenai pengetahuan dasar mengenai Scuba. Karena si Scuba sendiri artinya berenang dengan peralatan bernapas dan perintilannya :p

Diajar oleh si Dive Master dan asistennya. Suasana kelasnya juga santai dan berasa diskusi. Begitu kelas teori selesai kita disuruh siap-siap dengan pakaian renang. Dan ketika saya menuju ruang ganti ternyata kolam renang Senayan di hari Minggu itu cukup rame dengan orang-orang yang sedang latihan Scuba. Dan beberapa latihan free diving. Cara ngebedaiinya gampang. Yang latian free diving ga usah ribet-ribet pake BCD. Hehehehe

Latian Try Scubanya sendiri cuman semacam pengenalan atau gimana cara kita bernapas melalui si tabung oksigen ini. Hmm rasanya adem-adem gimanaa gitu napas pake regulator itu. Atau mungkin itu rasanya jadi kompor gas kali yah :)))

It looks very simple karena diajarin cara kneeling di dasar kolam. Tapi yang sedikit kecewa gak diajarin cara neutral buoyancy nya :( . Jadi weh disuruh berenang keliling kolam tapi karena udah jadi berat karena kita dikasih pemberat dan BCD  udah deflate maksimal, yah semacam tiarap tapi ngelilingin kolam. Heheheh

Pengen sih lanjutin ambil sertifikat lagi. Tapi kok yah mahal-mahal yah. Untuk di Global Dive sendiri dengan license NAUI biaya course untuk SCUBA Beginner aja 2.9 Juta belum termasuk ujian Open Waternya di Pulau Pramuka seharga 1.6 juta. Yah total sekitar 4.5 Juta sajah.

Sebenernya ada beberapa macam mengenai license ini. Yang familiar dengan orang-orang Indonesia adalah PADI dan SSI. Dan variasi harganya juga berbeda-beda disetiap dive course. Ada yang murah kebangetan dan ada juga yang cukup pricey. Yah kualitas harga berbanding lurus dengan kualitas instrukturnya. Karena olahraga ini adalah olahraga yang dilakukan di luar habitat asli kita. Menurut saya jangan sembarang asal pilih dive course. Let's say semua orang bisa aja punya license diver tapi belum tentu dia berhak jadi instruktur kita. While kalau kita mau ikutan dive course harus dilatih dan dipegang oleh instruktur. Dan kelas yang ideal adalah small group. 

Info harga untuk:
1. Jakarta Underwater Hockey -> Rp 75,000 untuk (4x latihan dalam 1 bulan dan kelas maksimal 10 orang)
     bisa di cek di facebook mereka.
2. Try Scuba Class dengan Global Dive -> Rp 130,000 - Rp 150.000


*ps: This blog edition was in my mother language because if I wrote it in English it will took a very long time hahahaha.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

February Business Trip - Malang

Whoooaaa... long time not posting and I just updated the previous post.. heheh

Actually a lotty happened but will tell you case by case :p

So for this post I will tell you my business trip to Malang. Yea that was also my first time to visited Malang.

For Indonesian people 'Malang' is  familiar for it's popular food, named Bakso Malang ( Malang Meatball ) or Bakso Ngalam. They spelled it backwards because long time ago at colonial era the Malang people like to backward the word as a secret languange. They didn't want their secret conversation overheard by the colonies.

Something unique about Malang airport is it was the only one airport in Indonesia which owned by the local government (CMIIW) also the shortest airport for landing and take off (I dont know what's it called) in Indonesia. My client told me there were several accidents at that airport. Like the plane was overlapping when landing or slipped.

Well beside that Malang has a loot of interesting place. Like Batu, Pulau Sempu or you can start here if you want to hike Bromo Mountain. Also heritage place like Candi Moko and other temples. Soo which one I visited??
NONE! =))))

It was raining when I visited Malang so I decided just spent time at the city.
The view is beautiful and weather are cold. Surrounded by Arjuna mount and (again I forget the name :p). Friends of mine there are some places you should visit in Malang. 1st is Bakso President this place is pretty popular because when I want to ate the line was pretty long. But for the taste just a so so for me. And the 2nd is Toko Oen. Old fashioned ice cream shop. They said the place wasn't so different with the old time. I feel so old when I entered this resto. Hehehe.

And Malang in the early morning would  be great place to have run in but I didnt bring my running shoes. So no sport activity at this city.

There is one place that I really want to visit in Malang is Sempu Island. So probably will come back to this peaceful and lovely city :)


Saturday, February 16, 2013

February Business Trip - Makassar

I am so blessed being an auditor. Obviously in this office give me a lot of chance to visit cities in Indonesia which I never came.

This month I visit two cities, Makassar and Malang. Last year I already came to Makassar. Makassar is the southest city in Sulawesi. They have port which become the main trade in Sulawesi Island. Previously named Ujung Pandang but now alreafy changes become Makassar.

Airport in Makassar is the best airport in my opinion. It look like Changi Airport from the outside. The airport also clean and look modern.

I stayed at Aston Hotel which near to Fort Rotterdam. Fortress built by to protect the city when the water from sea going up. Many historical things happened in this city. From Aston Hotel you can walk by not to far around 10 minute or less. Or by becak the common traditional vehicle in Indonesia. But becak in Makassar different with becak in Java. The size of becak in here more smaller than in Java. After visiting the fort I planned to have run or some exercise. Well since the pool was closed for private event and also felt bored to run at treadmills, I decided to run at the park beside the hotel.
Not doing much at this city but will come back to Makassar at April and plan to go to Tanjung Bira.

Fancy to join :)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Visiting Universal Studio Singapore and Song of The Sea

Last weekend my friend and I visiting USS and only spent a night at Singapore. Really a short trip but a loooott of accident -__-"

We had flight from Soekarno Airport to Changi on 10pm and arrived at Changi at 1am. Since the MRT start operated on 5:30am so we slept in the airport. And Changi Airport as usually is super cold place if you want to sleep. 

We stay at Hostel named Backpackers' Inn China Town. This was a great place. Near MRT and easy to access to everywhere.

Market along Chinatown MRT

We only spent two days and one night at Singapore. So after we took a bath at hostel (but not yet checked in because check in opened at 11am) we prepared our self to the main destination. To Sentosa Island!! 
Sentosa Island is small Island outside Singapore land but still in teritory of this country. Uniquely a long the view at this Island many boat come and go to this Island or from Singapore. Because this is the main income Singapore come from. Small country but important place to transit.

This is my first time to headed there. From Chinatown MRT you can took MRT to Harbour Front no need to interchange just direct to Harbour Front. Then go very upstair at Vivo Mall.
Before we entered the train. We exchange our booking print out of Song of The Sea to the entry tickets. 
For reached USS from Vivo City took Sentosa Express and stopped at Imbiah Station.
And lucky for us.. eventho that day was Saturday the crowd at Universal Studio Singapore not too crowded.

And here us at USS !! wohoooo
Enjoy the rides which not available at Dufan Jakarta 

At Jurassic Park 

Transformer 4D 

at Hollywood... do I already like Marilyn Monroe? without blowing skirt deffo :p

We finished at USS around 5pm. Because we already tired and felt enough to had another ride. So the next destination is Song of The Sea. Eventually the sky already pretty dark and cloudy and so we decided to hurry up to reach the Island Station. But after we reach Island Station the rain already started. But we also felt super starved. So we had dinner at McD. When we ate the rain getting heavier and the show will started at 7:15 pm.We kinda felt sleepy and worried would we able to enjoy the show while raining :s
But Alhamdulillah at 7pm the rain stopped! when we entered the Song of  The Sea the staff gave us plastic rain coat. Wow. I tho even the rain still on the show must go on.. wheew

Song of The Sea is story about the children in Singapore with multicultural people and there is a child who has a great voice. His voice make a pretty lady comes out from the sea. This pretty lady very rare to shown her self came out. But this boy very excited to saw her again. 
The great water show and beautiful lighting will mesmerizing you. 

Yup! Sentosa Island tour is finished. If you came to Singapore but not see and have pic in front of the famous Merlion is not complete yet! 
A little bit lost while headed Merlion Park. Because usually I just walked by to Merlion Park from Padang Field.
I saw my friends already super duper tired and Im so sorry this stupid leader tour made you got lost :(

S at in front of  One Fullerton

Me and my friends had this joke. Before this Marina Bay Building exist most people come to Singapore had pic with Merlion but now they turn back to had pic with this coolest building in Singapore

OK with this Lion now :p

And that's a wrap of our tour!

At the end when back to Jakarta me and S left by plane :( super panic because many of flight already full book... :'(

so many thank you to my S... and really sorry for my stupidity :( :(  :(

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!

So how's your new year's eve party guys?? Bet you have fun last night.
Mine... yeahh pretty fun, watching fireworks on tv and in front of my house.
What a blast party -,-

Well, I hope all you resolution in this 2013 will succeed!
Hope that's not #fakeresolution!!  Be commit and we'll see the result.
For the resolution(s) you can not just said it out loud or tweet it.
Write it down on a paper and pin it in your room. So every time you wake up, you will have motivation.
Make your resolution clearly not ambiguity.  Not only the goal but the way you achive it

Like mine, I want to join half marathon this year. So what am i gonna do for that? I should have running more than 15kms a week and increase my pace.
Also there is an application in micoach what kind of practice you should have to achieve your goal.

Actually life getting easier lately. Many applications provide to help you. IF you commit.
You want to have more saving. Find application to calculate how much you should save from your salary.
You want to get a new job. Go find it and spread your application. And wait for a call ;p

I might said it as if it was very easy breezy. Not it wasn't.  If not difficult it won't called resolution.

Godspeed everyone!!
