Sunday, February 26, 2017

Chasing for Happy Endings

Ok saya tadinya mau nulis sesuatu lalu kedistract sama acara di NatGeo yang awalnya cerita tentang asal muasal bayik (dari sperma ketemu ovum lalu jadilah bayi dalam janin) lalu organ-organ kita mulai berkembang dan sebagainya. Ah saya selalu suka acara kaya gini. Lebih berguna daripada nonton sinetron atau acara dangdut akademi apalah apalah... Acara itu juga cerita kenapa bayi mulai dari merangkak sebelum jalan. Tapi anehnya saya malah waktu kecil katanya sih ga pernah merangkak. Langsung bisa jalan ceunah...

And the story goes on ketika kita lagi puberty. That awkward moment in life right? Dan ketika lagi naksir-naksir sama pasangan terus patah hati. Dan kita moved on. College living and working life and else. 

Well watching that makes me realize that somehow in life we will experienced anything. Ready or not whether you already plan or mapping your life in any stage of life. Sometime life will hit you till the bottom and even worse make you hard to breathe. Or worst make you almost losing faith.

But when you realize... life actually will leads you to a happy ending. All the pain we have succeed to endure make us more appreciate all the little thing. I also believe my dad was happy after felt sick for a while before he left us.

So two weeks before my birthday... what happened recently in life seem make sense again. Yeah everything will be okay in the end. If it is not okay  it's not the end.

"The real happy endings come after a story with lots of ups and downs." 

Friday, February 24, 2017

Postingan Termalas

Saya lagi malas semalas malasnya rasa malas… Lagi swing mood tapi ga tau mau ngapain. Mau ngobrol-ngobrol tapi lagi malas. Mau kerja tapi malas. Mau baca buku juga malas.

I need a shake up to waking up the soul. Bahaya ini kalo diturutin malesnya. Bakal berlanjut kemana-mana malasnya.

Come on EL! Tinggal menghitung hari … menuju liburan yang haqiqi *phew

lari-lari manja di lantai 23...

Monday, February 13, 2017

Tes Kecerdasan di Selatan Jogja

Wihii.. baru aja balik dari Jogja terus lagi mager ngerjain ppt buat presentasi. Yawdah saya mau posting cerita trail kemarin. Lari-lari lucu tengah malem di Jogja.

Loohh.. katanya mau recovery? emang udah bisa lari? katanya kapok? banyak yang nanya begitu pas saya posting kalau saya jadi lari Coast to Coast. YHA namanya juga cewek yaa.. gampang sekali berubah pikiran. heheheu.

Iya sih kemaren abis Tahura seems samting wrong gitu sama badan saya. Agak sedikit nyeri kalau tarik nafas dalem-dalem. Buat lari rekaperi pun ku tak mampu. Selesai dari itu tiba-tiba kaki kecengklek gegegara maen handball. (Ya ampuun jadi cewe petakilan amat yaak :p). Sempet bete juga sih.. karena ini seminggu sebelum Coast To Coast. Sampe kepikiran kalau emang masih sakit kakinya palingan tetep berangkat ke Jogya tapi mau tur AADC sendirian (biar kekinian) hehehe. Tapi ternyata setelah direndem es dan ditaping ala-ala Ello, besoknya dicoba bawa lari 5K udah ga berasa sakit. Terus besoknya coba lari lagi 15K udah gada rasanya (sakit di kakinya loh yahh bukan di hati...*eh).

Kamisnya saya penasaran buat lari lagi...Well Alhamdulillah masih ga berasa sakit

Soo.. agak modal nekat dan sotoy aja sih akhirnya mutusin buat tetep ngelariin 50K di CTC. Dan ngerasa agak under train juga karena weekly mileage selama dua minggu ga pernah nyampe 40K... so skeri...

A wise man ever said (not to me... tapi saya nyolong quotes dari Pinterest heheh)

Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. - Henry Ford

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A New Wish List

When people know that I love running especially on road. People keep ask me.. “will you run Boston Marathon?” or maybe asking some other major marathon like Berlin, NYC or Tokyo Marathon. The answer deffo “No”. Because it’s pretty expensive for myself right now. And entering those major marathon not as easy like Jakarta Marathon. You have to win the lottery. But for Boston Marathon you have to qualify the Boston Qualify (BQ) time.


In Indonesia itself if you a BQ and Boston finisher you are totally an awe runner! (well look at to those timing!).  A recreational runner like me who has full time job 9-6 will be hard to commit with marathon training if I want to achieve timing like this (in my personal thought). It will need a full commitment and effort to achieve the BQ. Probably I could follow the training but when Am in office I will totally shut down!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

To All Negative Thought or Opinion - Am Sorry I Don't Care

Call me not pretty because I don’t have a fair skin.
Call me ugly because I never again use doctor skin face anymore.
Call me not sexy since my boobs aint big like Scarlett Johannson.
Call me manly because I look muscular than any woman should be.
Call me not religious because am not using hijab or veil.
Call me forever alone because it’s been a while am not in a relationship.
Call me useless because I can’t properly cook or do make up.
Call me loner because my feeds in SocMed are bunch of my running activities.
Call me whatever……… BUT let me tell you something.