Saturday, May 18, 2019

Hi There Universe

I just lost my motivation doing my trail race this year. Nothing excite me. But I still love climb the mountain tho.

I have a drawback lately. Wondering my passion is a bliss or somewhat a lead to another disaster. I am person when I chase my dream I will totally focus on it. When people support me, their support is my fuel. But when the support was not there anymore Am drowning. I stop chasing my dream.
But last time when my respected people called me, he enlighted me to comeback. Just that kind of hope I feel arise a lil bit.

Deep inside my head I ate what people said to me: 
"Lari jauh-jauh, masuk hutan keluar gunung, lantas lo dapat apa? Juara sih tapi ga dapet apa-apa. Cari pacar ga perlu gitu-gitu amat."
"Apa lagi sih yang dicari? Emang mau yang kaya gimana?"

I knew it was a joke. But you know I can be a sensitive person sometime. It just a minor thought. But what push me back was..... I was wondering the future. I just hate it why they asked that kind of question. Dan yang paling bete kalau ditanya hal begitu and they demand the answer. Lah mana aing tauuu.... kalau ada time stone nya Dr. Strange urang pinjem bentar deh. Pengen gitu teriak "HOW THE FUCK I KNOW!"