Wednesday, July 22, 2015

10 things (that not very important) about me

Biar ikut-ikutan kayak blog orang lain saya juga mau ikutan ah..

10 things about me:

  1. Nick name gw Ello. Problem is.. kalau email-emailan sama orang yang ga dikenal kadang suka dibalesnya “Terima kasih Bapak Ello”. Terus kalau kenalan sama orang baru pas nyebut nama gw Ello pasti mereka langsung mengasosiasikan dengan penyanyi Ello. Well yeah… You know what next. Paling gampang kalo kenalan sama bule. “My name is Ello, like Hello without ‘H’.” Udah kelaaarrr.
  2. I am soooooo outdoor person. I love outdoor activities. Playing with the warm sun. Being active at outside just a natural way for me to unleash my energy. Bahasa lainnya adalah aselinya saya itu petakilan.
  3.    .      Kalau liburan lebih suka ke pantai daripada ke gunung. Karena anaknya ga kuat dingin ey. Baru pertama kali naik gunung Oktober tahun lalu. Dan sekaligus ngetrail disana, di gunung Gede, Jawa Barat. Dan rencananya Agustus nanti mau ke Rinjani, Lombok. Which means pertama kalinya nenda di gunung. Dan doakan yah alam baik-baik saja nantinya.
  4. Negara yang pengen dikunjungi itu Spanyol. Entah kenapa obsesi banget pengen bisa Bahasa Spanyol dan mau keliling Spanyol. Tapi cari tempat les Bahasa Spanyol agak-agak susah yah.
  5. Am a Pisces.. jadi ya gitu deh. Labil. Hahahah.
  6. Suka olahraga pake banget. 3 hari gak olahraga kayaknya aneh banget badan dan pasti bakalan hiperaktif. Olahraga yang sekarang lagi dilakuin field hockey sama lari. Field dan indoor hockey mulai kenal waktu kuliah dulu di Bandung. Dan aktif ikut lari semenjak tahun 2013 also finished my first marathon on 2014. Probably I love to challenge myself. 
  7. I love amusement park. The more need adrenaline intake to do it.. the more I love it!
  8. Pengen banget bisa free dive. Tapi lagi ga ada waktu buat latian. Even mau ngambil license diving pun harus nabung jauh-jauh hari dulu. Pas ada duitnya pas banyak ajakan traveling. Kan rese. Hahaha.
  9. Kalau lagi baca suka mendadak lupa lingkungan. Jangan harap inget makan atau lain-lain. Kalau bisa tamatin malam itu pasti akan begadang demi tamat. Terus kalo ceritanya seru pas udah tamat langsung galau. Nyesel kenapa bacanya gak pelan-pelan. (Aneh).
  10. Sering nanya pertanyaan random. Dan untungnya punya temen yang ngeladenin pertanyaan random gw ini. Hahaha.

Well jadi itulah beberapa 10 hal yang amat sangat tidak penting tentang diri sayah.. 



Thursday, July 9, 2015

Tick Tock - Project Run Away

Tick Tock
8 months already.. 
You said I should move on from you. Maybe because you already found someone else... So it was easy for you to moved on. 
But for me... 4 years to move on.. Totally not easy. I thought it was easy. In fact, is hard to do. Super hard. 
What can you do if you already met someone you think can be trusted and sharing the feeling and idea and every moment and then just because I cant see any reason to motivated you to be a better person, I quited. 
Hoping that after I quit to pushed you or rushing my idea to have a future with you you will find a way to be better.

Yes at the beginning it was easy. Surrounding my self with my best friends and try to faking out to be happy. And always convince my self that I am OK.

But geez... It only held for a few months. After that.. No lies. I missed you. Missed everything that we ever had. But also at the moment I hate you. Because I felt I waste my time with you. And I was thinking that you never ever care with my future. Mean while am here trying to figure out about yours.

Am I the one who selfish here or who? I only need to be understood.

I've got pressure from family since am the first daughter and I totally frustrated about couple of things. And also I already have a master grand plan about my life. But already ruined. Failed. No wonder I kept feeling devastated lately.

I feel I have no point in life lately. It's so hard and hurt and realize that your life plan is failed. And keep failing. 

Sad because age is my boundary here. And the time is ticking. 
Tick tock.. Tick tock..

Tell me what to do to get up........

Project Run Away

I wanna run away. 

Run away from the heart breaking.
Run away from devastation.
Run away from dissapointment.
Run away from the questions.
Run away from the past.
Run away from fake hope.
Run away from my self.

Oh god... Help me.. Am hopeless.

It would be a pleasure and an ease if there is someone out there said to me..
"Everything is gonna be ok El" and with a hug. 
Oh how I need a hug right now. 
