Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Magic Number 5

It was a normal day in my office. I had my lunch and chit chat with my office mates.
I was joking around, asking silly questions. Well since I was super lazy to work at the moment. :p

Friend of mine suddenly was telling her interview questions about when the interviewee asked her about where will she in the next 5 years.

She said she wanted to be a manager, owned house, and else.

And then she asked me?
"So Ello what do you want in next 5 years?" she said.
And I said... "No Mam.. I have no idea"
She laughed. "You are really live to fullest person. You enjoy your present life".

I don't know whether should be flattered or sad. Because I have no plan in my future. I do have plan for a year ahead. But for 5 years in the future ?
I have no idea what to do!

Gosh! Kinda afraid with my future, Even my yearly planned not always on track.

Sooo 5 years from now huh?
I will be 31 years old. Geezzz 31? Really?
So on 31 I want to...
At least I already get married and have my 1st child.
Live in my own home with my simple happy family.
For my career.. Umm I dont know what I want recently.

See.. how suck I am with this... No idea..

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Run Ello Run

Post sebelumnya soal Marathon Bucket List yang pengen gw ikutin in the future. Kalau ada rejeki. Kalau ada yang mau seponsorin. Amin. Heheheh

Dan kali ini mau cerita tentang kenapa gw lagi doyan banget lelarian. To be noted gw bukan atlit pelari atau pelari kencang. Ikutan event lari karena ngicer kaosnya sama medali.

Sehingga paling bete kalau di tanya "lo kemaren juara berapa???" 
Meh question. Dan gw pasti selalu jawab "juara satu dooong" 
Biar gada pertanyaan berikutnya yang super Meh.

So.. Kapan pertama kali gw mulai suka lari?
Kalau diinget-inget kapan gw bener-bener suka lari itu waktu gw dibilang buat ngecilin badan sama si pelatih gw. Karena waktu gw main hockey dia ngeliat gw engap banget kali yee.
Dan gw sendiri juga kesel karena semenjak kuliah berat badan gw jadi 66-68kg. Dengan ukuran celana 32. 
Perut sama dada balapan :|
Totally unattractive. 
Akhirnya gw baru sadar bahwa kosan gw dulu deket sama Sabuga atau Sorga IT . Dulu sih targetnya keliling 10 puteran itu tiap sore. Dan lari pagi kalau wiken. Lari di bandung itu seger banget dan panasnya gak seterik di Jakarta. 
Dan pas lagi senior gw di Hockey ngenalin sama Hasher. Komunitas pelari-pelari trail (dulu gw ga tau itu apa lari trail). Rute larinya pun cukup sades!
Di sekitaran perunah yang di Lembang dengan rute nanjak penuh cinta. Cape sih.. Tapi nothing beat the fresh air.
Jadi yah dulu waktu kuliah kerjaan gw kalo gak main hockey yah lari di sabuga. Belom paham sama pace2an atau running techniques yang bener. Yang penting 10 puteran atau setengah jam.
So I think running is my distraction from field hockey.
Ketika pindah ke Jakarta olahraga gw yah cuman main hockey doang setiap Sabtu. Sampe suatu ketika udah mulai jenuuuuh banget sama main hockey .. Gw ketemu sama temen gw yang di Bandung, Felix. Dia baru selesai half marathon di Bali. Awalnya gw ga tau half marathon itu berapa panjang. Pas dia cerita kalau itu 21KM gw baru nganga! WTH?? Lo ngapain aja lari sepanjang itu?
Tapi dia selalu bilang "rame kok lo.. Cobain deh"
Dan gw pun penasaran sekaligus tertantang. 
Even lari pertama gw itu Jakarta RACE tahun 2010. Waktu itu ikutan karena temen dari ISCI ngajakin. Dan si bule-bule ini sih udah pada kuat larinya jadi hayuk aja. Lari nya sih ngikutin rute 5K tapi belom sampe puteran gw udah motong duluan karena pengen cepet-cepet sampe. Abis nyampe kepala gw pusing karena kurang oksigen. Blah.

Event lari yang selanjutnya gw ngajakin temen-temen kantor gw. Di acara Adidas KOTR 2011. Pertama kalinya pake nomer dada tapi no timing chip. Dan setelah itu level penasaran semakin tinggi. What if kalo gw coba 10K. After 10K kenapa gak coba half marathon? And hey lets make history.. Try your first Full Marathon! And sooo it is.

Lari pun sekarang jadi sebuah pelarian tersendiri buat gw. Lari buat nungguin macet. Lari buat kongkow. Lari supaya bisa makan banyak. Lari kalau kerjaan ngeselin. Lari kalau lagi galau. Atau lari dari pertanyaan nyokap "kapan kawin?" 

I dont know. Salah satu yang gw nikmatin waktu lari adalah: none yell at you to what to do.

Kalau lagi main hockey there is always a moment ketika lagi main jelek. Atau lo kalah dalam suatu game. And it's always always suck! Dan selalu sebel ketika ada pertanyaan dalam otak gw... Kenapa tadi gak kayak gini sih? Kan seharusnya bisa.
Well I hate losing.

Sebenernya pas lari juga bisa sih. Kayak di tahun ini aja gw sempet muntah2 pas lari di Pocari Run. Dan belom sembuh dari sakit tapi maksa buat ikutan Urbanathlon. Resultnya ga sesuai yang diharapin pastinya. Tapi selalu ada waktu buat memperbaiki diri. And everybody is the winner after all. :D

Satu lagi yang bikin gw suka lari. Selalu gampang buat ngeracunin orang ikutan lari. Apalagi sekarang-sekarang ini. Semua orang pengen jadi bagian dari suatu komunitas lari. Biar eksis. Biar anaknya lari banget :p. 

Satu lagi... Lari itu gampang. Tinggal angkat kaki doang. Dan ga perlu ribet kalau ke luar kota. If you have time to running just grab your running shoes. Thats why kalau ke luar kota suka bawa-bawa sepatu lari.

Tulisan ini terinspirasi dari hasil lelarian semalem dan amaze temen-temen gw yang auditor sekarang udah aware sama hidup sehatnya. And friend of my said to me it's because of me who inspired them. 
Ga tau beneran atau enggak. Yah cukup seneng aja sih dibilang kayak gitu ;D

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Marathon Bucket List

Running was a hype sport lately. Especially in here Jakarta or in Indonesia it self. Now almost every week there are more than one running event. Start from fun run 5K, 10K, Halfie, Marathon, Trail Run, even Ultra Trail Marathon!!

Indonesia has a lot of potential for a marathon event. From the hectic Jakarta until beachy Bali.

So last night after hockey practice Tiff and I were talking about what is next marathon or running event we will join.
Here are our list:
1. Bromo Marathon
2. Mount Rinjani Ultra ( I disagree with this.. since Rinjani is tooo beautiful to run for..)
3. Borobudur 10K
4. Great Wall China Marathon
5. Angkor Wat Marathon
6. Berlin Marathon

The priority is event in Indonesia first after that in overseas. Beside marathon at overseas will be pricey. So need saving money first. Or maybe there is someone who want to sponsor us :p

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


When everything that you already planned somehow not working as you want.
Even the back up plan also not do their job.

This situation soooo darn annoying. Uber annoying 

Even giving up is so killing for you. 

Feel like in auto pilot mode. Following the flow.

But only death fish who follow the flow.

What Should I do?

*screaming in silence

Monday, November 3, 2014

Octofest !


Hello November.. Sometimes Am kinda excited yet freak out when November come. Because it means December is near and means new plans and hope are coming. Freak out because Am getting older and afraid all my plans are beyond my goals.

Speaking of goals… actually I have no clear idea of life goal recently. Hehehe. Especially in career. Huft.
Wanna go back as an external auditor but afraid I’ll get worst client and manager again.

So based on my 2014 resolutions I can say that half of it already fulfilled. Except learn diving and visit Mt. Rinjani. Planned to join Mt. Rinjani Trail Run but after thinking over… seriously El? You run at Rinjani? Why wont you hike and enjoy the view? Yeah so I will hike that mountain next year (finger crossed).

What so fun on October? Ohh.. it’s a loot! Yeah a lot of fun!
On the first weekend on October me and my friends try to do trail run at Mt. Gede. And that was my first time hike a mountain! And it’s so addictive. Deffo will do it again. Even my leg felt so damn tired at the first but my experience to run at this mountain was AWESOME!. Fresh air, green green green view, passing the hot spring water, and crazy track.

And on the following weekend I went to Sangiang Island. Located near Anyer and took 1 hour 30 minutes by boat from small harbor near Sanghyang Resort. This small island was planned to build a bridge to connected Sumatra and Java Island. But recent news that our president cancelled the plan which I thought a brilliant idea. Because it will save the ecosystem inside and surrounding the Sangiang Island.
With a small boat we explore the Sangiang. Went to the bat cave and catch sunset there. Also  you can do snorkel and free dive at this island. Guess what… the corals are soo soo soooo healthy!
The table coral is big. Colorful coral and many fishes in here. Compare to coral at Gili, Lombok, it almost look alike.  

Also in October my Uni best friend is getting married with her 10 years relationship boyfriend. Is that long? LOL. Actually I forget. They were dated since high school. Kudos to Rahma. Finally girl !! Finally! The wait is over!!! :D

At last weekend of October there is the 2nd Jakarta Marathon! I didn’t register any category. Because I thought the weather will be SUPER HOT and SUPER HUMID! (Thank you to the El Nino). But my running buddy told me that he had extra BIB for Half Marathon and he gave it to me! Wohooo.
Didn’t make any PB because I hate do long run in Jakarta. (pfftt worst excuse :p )
And afterward enjoying recovery with Tiff and Putri cook. Noomm.

What a fun October huh? <3 <3