Monday, November 20, 2023

Tips Membuat Visa Schengen ke Prancis

Well as a millennial I maybe not really good with making video content LOL.. but I kinda familiar with blog... So let me make it with blog writting! And dunno is there someone still reading a blog nowdays?? hehehe

Jadi persiapan buat bikin Visa tahun ini untuk planning ke Chamonix dimulai dari pembuatan paspor. Karena setelah dicek ternyata paspor expired di bulan Desember 2023 sedangkan baru berangkat ke Prancis itu bulan Agustus so first thing first before you went abroad...

1. Make sure tanggal expired passpor 6 bulan sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.

Aku pernah waktu itu ke Singapore dengan tanggal paspor yang mepet banget sama tanggal expired. Sebelum keluar imigrasi ditahan dulu di kantornya dan ditanya-tanya dan make sure kalo keluar Sg sebelum tanggal expired. Dan untungnya boleh. 
Alsooo sejak Oktober tahun lalu, durasi paspor kita itu udah 10 tahun. Jadi lumayan banget tapiii antrian paspor dari awal tahun kemarin di Jakarta itu edan pisan. Aku aja akhirnya bikin di Makassar karena kebetulan ada kerjaan disana. Dan untungnya pas paspor jadi bisa minta tolong ke temen yang disana untuk ambilon. Fyuh.

2. Buat registration number di website France Visa di sini

Kalau gak salah sebelum covid itu kita isi manual dan download PDF file buat isi data-datanya. Sekarang sudah online dan by system. Jadi make sure semua yang kamu isi di form registrasi udah bener.
Serta kamu juga perlu siapin data-data No Paspor, Expire date paspor, tanggal visa terakhir waktu masuk Schengen country (if any), tanggal keberangkatan dan alamat kamu akan stay disana. 

3. Buat Akun dan Janji Temu di TLS Contact di sini

Setelah dapet nomer registrasi kamu udah bisa lengkapin data-data di TLS Contact, agency yg bisa bantu kamu untuk pembuatan visa Schengen via Prancis. Dan setelah itu kamu bisa tentuin kapan dan jam yang available untuk dateng ke kantor TLS yang ada di Mega Kuningan.
Sekarang bikin janji untuk pembuatan visa itu bisa 6 bulan sebelum tanggal keberangkatan and let me tell you that tanggal appointment ke TLS itu udah ruameee banget. Aku apply bulan Maret baru dapet jadwal di bulan Mei!! Yah satu Indonesia kan kedubesnya cuman satu dan banyak banget orang Indo yang pengen liburan ke Prancis... Jadi jangan mepet-mepet karena kalo seandainya gagal kita bisa coba appeal atau coba cari jalan lain dan at least waktunya cukup.

4. Pilih jalur premium kalau kamu ragu dengan data-data kamu

Sebetulnya pake jalur premium bukan berarti guarantee bakal lolos sih visanya... tapi cuman setidaknya kamu bisa dapet layanan yang extra dan bisa dibantuin kalau ada kekurangan data. Petugas TLS yang kemarin aku temuin bilang sebetulnya syarat utama pengajuan visa itu cuman 3:
1. Flight ticket (return)
2. Alamat hotel atau tempat kita nanti tinggal
3. Paspor yang masih berlaku

Tapi terkadang orang kedutaan pasti mau background checking dan makesure orang yang dateng ke negaranya itu ga overstay atau malah ga bisa pulang. Jadi data-data mesti lengkap bangetnget... Kayak:
1. Surat keterangan bekerja dari kantor (in English)
2. Active bank statement at least 3 months, yang jadi rekening gaji kamu
3. Asuransi yang cover selama kamu stay disana dengan minimal amount dan diakui sama embassy.
4. Photo yang sesuai ketentuan kedutaan (ini bisa foto langsung di TLS).
5. KTP dan Kartu Keluarga

Banyak yang bilang mesti ada minimal uang berapa puluh juta direkening. Tapi dua kali aku apply Schengen Visa rekening saya mostly angkanya BEP hahahah. Karena aku emang pisahin uang tabungan dan uang yang emang buat kebutuhan sehari-hari. Kayaknya sih yg penting selama kamu punya penghasilan tetap akan aman.

But the rest is Diplomat Prerogative decision kalau kamu ditolak atau gagal. 

5. Proses hasil visa biasanya 5 hari kerja tapi bisa aja lebih cepat atau lebih lama

Hmmm kira-kira secara umum kayaknya itu aja dan untungnya bikin visa Schengen Prancis gak seribet bikin via Jerman. Karena dari temen-temen yang kesana semua dokumen penting mesti ditranslate ke bahas Jerman (eheheh rempong).

Atau ada yang mau tambahin buat tips nya??

A Week with Mama Cham

This year was the most epic year for me. Because finally I back to France again and now this time at Chamonix. Chamonix is the Alps city where the Mont Blanc located. A city for outdoor lover or to be precise, home for mountaineering. 

It was in summer week and was full in awe when observing this city. When my bus stopped at Chamonix bus stop I whisper "dear Allah I already fell in love with this city... I felt my soul and home is in this place." Yes I directly in love with Cham. See soo many outdoor lovers there made me excited. During summer people come to Chamonix for hiking, climbing the Mont Blanc or paragliding and of course running.

UTMB week in Chamonix totally amazing. All trail running lovers from all around the world are coming to the city! I even can feel it from my flight.. at my stop at Dubai before heading to Geneva, I can see many trail runners and getting ready for UTMB.. Ultra Trail Mont Blanc. 

Now let me tell you what's UTMB. It's not the oldest trail race in this world. They just celebrate 20 years UTMB this year. This race always happened on last week of August so that's why actually the weather will be like summer but also a bit rain. And this year the anomaly of weather in Chamonix was started on the beginning of the week. All PTL and TDS were start with rain and snowy condition. Snow during summer... It was soo interesting. But when Friday the sun already bright again and giving the best weather till Sunday.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Gotta take that path

So couple weeks ago I ever read a thread on twitter about autism. 
That actually autism can be detected since the pregnancy.
And the doctor who made the thread said one of the way to avoid autism baby that you should pregnant before 35 years old.

I was frozen when read that.
So that's it... end of my era. I wont be married and having any baby either. None will ever want me fo~reva.

What did I do wrong at the past until god really really hate me. Is saying sorry aint enough?
How could you change when none tell you that you did mistake?

Why I have to be a human? 
Why can I be a cat? They are cute and everyone love them.

Well gotta get use with another failure and disappointment in life. Maybe this is my path.

Forever a failure ehehe.

brb... about to cry

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Last Day Being 34

And Yep!! Here we go again with a contemplation night of the year!
Same rants
Same wishes
Same issues
Same hopes

I dont know what to expect anymore. Am getting tired of let in flow. 

I wanna a different situation but currently am in trap of something.

Shud I wait or shud I make a move.

So tmrw... I will be 35 years old! So many yaaa :')
Usually I will go to mountain or went somewhere. But this year am in tight budget and have to save some money. I know I already free from car loan but I just enroll a big race which is my dream race.. UTMB CCC. aha. here you ago.

I dont know what I want in upcoming new age... the only thing that I know I need and want more money hehehe. because basically my hope still the same from previous year.

Oh also today I just done my responsibilities as the adult. Yaitu membuat SIM mobil dan motor. LOL.

Rasanya tuh kayak siap aja kalau tiba-tiba mobil atau motor diberhentiin polisi buat di razia... Am ready to show off you guys! :p

Will run Womens 10K tomorrow hopefully will be a quick morning run sesh. 
How about having a Kerastase hair treatment tomorrow? I saw it in Tiktok last night and it look sooo nice.

I feel I lose some motivation to type more in this blog. Because I just hate the way I write lately.. kayak isinaya cuman keluhan dan keluhan saja. Atuhlah elll. But sometime usually after I write I feel much much better.

I dont know what my life gonna be this year or at 35 year old me... but here are some plans (race plan to be exact :p) :
1. Run 50K at CTC Yogya (done)
2. Tiff's wedding on June at Bali! She said it will be wedding of century!!
3. Run 75K at Dieng Ultra by Detrac on June a week after Tiff's wedding
4. Chamonix baby!! on August
5. Run CCC UTMB (am freaking nervous) on September
6...... I dont know what else

Pretty sure after return from Mont Blanc my life will be pretty dry and empty and more boring hahhahahha.

Any idea what to do next? Move to  France and find rich husband there? 
Aha... dont you wish it will be easy huh? jangan mimpi kau ferguso... lol

