Saturday, July 8, 2017

Zombi (Zodiak Reader)

Mungkin ga semuanya percaya soal zodiak-zodiak an... Tapi saya salah satu orang yang... ya bisa dibilang 70% percaya bahwa karekterisitik seseorang bisa diliat dari zodiak. Karakter loh ya bukan masa depannya.

Nah suatu ketika saya coba-coba buat ngetes sejauh mana sih kebenaran zodiak reader ini.. Welll based on below result bisa dibilang 80% bener banget tapi ga semuanya siih hehehe.

So di bawah ini hasil bacaan buat saya yang lahir di 12 Maret 1988 jam 8 malem (katanya bisa lebih ngebantu kalau kita ngasih tau jam lahir kita...). Ada yang sama tanggal lahirnya sama saya? Apa karakter kita samaan? Let see ;)...

It Is Exist !

Beginning this year I felt really really demotivated in my life. Every goals is only about the upcoming race. My career feels like stagnant and I have no idea what I will gonna do through this year. Basically I am a bit demotivated. Which I realize there are some factors that involved. 

Such as the worst traffic that I have to face in daily dose. I try many things to not feel soo stressful about the traffic because it almost 4 years that I've been thru. But actually no. I am not the person who will happily life in unhappy circumstances. I can force myself to be happy when every time I reach the office with bad traffic. Sometimes when I feel sooo tired with the traffic.. I will be crying. I felt upset, stressed, exhausted and felt guilty because I came late.